Tuesday 11 August 2015


japanese kanji 4 character 王道楽土 おうどうらくど 四字熟語 漢字
Arcadia 王道楽土
Please check it out! http://j.mp/4char_arcadia
presided over by a virtuous king. Japanese calls O-Do-Raku-Do.

be in the same boat

japanese 4 char idiom 一蓮托生 いちれんたくしょう 四字熟語 漢字
be in the same boat 一蓮托生
Please check it out! http://j.mp/4char_be_in_the_same_boat
sharing one's lot with another. Japanese calls Ichi-Ren-Taku-Sho.

amicable settlement

japanese kanji 4char idiom 円満解決 えんまんかいけつ 漢字 四字熟語
amicable settlement 円満解決
Please check it out! http://j.mp/4char_amicable_settlement
using a better name to sell inferior goods. crying wine and selling vinegar. Japanese calls You-Tou-Ku-Niku.