overeat and overdrink
Please check it out! http://bit.ly/kanji_overeat_overdrink the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess. Japanese says Bo-In-Bo-Syoku.
negative example
Please check it out! http://j.mp/kanji_negative_example a person who serves as an example of how not to behave. Japanese calls Han-Men-Kyou-Shi.
mistake the means for the end
Please check it out! http://j.mp/kanji_4char_mistake failing to properly evaluate the importance. putting the cart before the horse. mistaking the cause for the end. mistaking the insignificant for the essential. getting one's priorities backwards. Japanese calls Hon-Matsu-Ten-To.
amicable settlement 円満解決
Please check it out! http://j.mp/4char_amicable_settlement using a better name to sell inferior goods. crying wine and selling vinegar. Japanese calls You-Tou-Ku-Niku.